Tuesday, 20 August 2013

vive la Revolution! (or how brands will plead that little YouTube girl)

Being as passionate about make up and cosmetics as I am, it would have been hard for me not to stumble upon this new cosmetics brand, Em-Cosmetics.

I don't necessarily find the products too appealing, and since it is something to be sold and bought online, there is little chance of testing the product before purchasing, at a not so much pocket-friendly price.
What most interests me about this brand is the way it's been born. I am positive many of you will be familiar with youtuber Michelle Phan, whose videos I have featured before in some of my posts (like this one). A girl that started making make up tutorials on Youtube and has now created her own brand of cosmetics. How does this work though?

In the past, little dreamers would go through hellish, unspeakable roads to get to appear on television and become a star of the little screen. Well, Youtube is the television of our time, only way better and much more loaded with potential. Extremely accurately targeted content, instant hit-the-spot sense of empathy between viewer and broadcaster, room for instant interaction, oh well, free unlimited content only a click away... And broadcasters building authentic networks amongst them and generating true fanboys; communities of genuine fans.

Now, what do you think is going to happen when brands and companies realise how powerful and influential these "bedroom broadcasters" are? My answer is; what is already happening: they will fight for them to be their representatives.

We have seen it happen with blogs before; almost every magazine online has a "Blog" section. Why would you bother trying to find the right person to blog for you, when you can take an already existing and successful blogger and ask her to blog for you? All advantages, including the enormous traffic of fans that she will drag from her personal blog to the company blog. Hence model Clara Alonso blogging for Spanish Vogue or Paolo Stella with his lifestyle blog for Italian Elle. Well, it was only to be expected that vloggers were soon asked to do the same. Beauty youtuber Tanya Burr is featured in a section on UK Grazia, so is Lisa Eldridge (who is not a youtuber per se but has a ridiculously successful Youtube channel) in her short beauty videos for ElleUK.com, and her series of tutorials for Chanel. And, of course, so is (or used to be) Michelle Phan, one of the pioneers, teaming up with LancĂ´me for video tutorials on their US website.

The UK and US are, as usual, the earliest adaptors of this trend. But it will not take long till companies all over the world realise the potential of individual broadcasters and begin the "Youtube killed the any-other-media star" revolution.

As for me, I am so ready for this shift to arrive, as I am already an addict of way too many channels on Youtube. Any of the above tickle your fancy? Go find out which could trigger your revolution and, as usual, follow your gut!

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